For schools that are accredited by the NCCSA or working toward NCCSA Accreditation, we are excited to inform you that the NCCSA Accreditation Program is expanding its regional co-accreditation partnerships to include AdvancED and the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Council on Accreditation and School Improvement (SACS CASI). The NCCSA accreditation protocol has been formally recognized by the North Carolina Division of Non-Public Education and approved by the National Council for Private School Accreditation (NCPSA) through a co-accreditation agreement with the North American Christian School Accrediting Agency (NACSAA). Up until now, the NACSAA/NCPSA partnership has allowed NCCSA member schools to receive regional co-accreditation through the Middle States Association Commission on Elementary and Secondary Schools (MSA-CESS). Schools will now have multiple options for regional co-accreditation.
Additional information will be available soon concerning the open enrollment period and the process for currently accredited schools to add AdvancED/SACS CASI co-accreditation.
CLICK HERE to read the press release from NACSAA about the new AdvancED partnership.
NCCSA State Office