2016 NCCSA Fine Arts Reminders & Deadlines

Please note that January 10 is the submission deadline for the Solo/Small Group Music Competition Information Sheet and Fees. January 10 falls on a Sunday this year, so please plan accordingly so you are able to submit by the deadline. Also, please be familiar with the late fee penalties when submissions are past the deadline. January 10 is also the first day of the Academic Testing Competition online registration.

We have listed important dates, deadlines, fees, and other pertinent fine arts competition information in a downloadable PDF document located HERE. Each fine arts coordinator needs to review this important information. Please carefully read the information and act upon the deadlines accordingly. Feel free to share this link with those who need access to this information.

We also want to remind each school that participates in Elementary or JH/SH Fine Arts that each school must have the new manuals. Because the information and forms are from a new edition, any adjudication forms or other information from previous editions will disqualify the entry. The manual order form is located HERE.